Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Tuesdays mean videos!

This week in photos is on a holiday! With the end of finals comes a collection of youtube video's that have made my week all the more exciting. Enjoy!

Quick reminder. I will be back from PR on friday so let the love show!
love and kisses

Monday, July 13, 2009

Saturday, July 11, 2009

This week in photos!

This week in photos is being posted a day earlier than normal, because I got some special pictures of a special someone that I want the world to see.

1. Blanco: My best friend in PR and The oliver twist of Puerto Rican Cats. Blanco is a stray cat who lives in the bushes in front of my dorm. We eat turkey slices for lunch, play, and occationally I will nap with him. He has this nasty habit of hiding under cars and playing with people's feet. He reminds me of my sly boots back home.

2. The Sacred Taino Village is located in the mountains ( very hillbilly area of Puerto Rico). The Tainos worshiped mother nature and have many stones with drawings that face north in their sacred squares. The reason they choose this spot in particular is because one of the mountains is shaped like the symbol of the Taino people. It was fate!

3. The Caves- I learned nothing but everything was beautiful and I absolutely love caves! I even have a crap picture of me in a coal miner hat in cave...now that is serious dedication.

4. Two pictures from the night we went drinking in old San Juan with a bunch of 19 year old girls.  Old San Juan is the Mecca of Young Hip kids in need of Alcohol on the weekends, and it was bloody hot. I wish I had more pictures but if you check my facebook you can check out some pictures that my friend ashley took. I also added in a picture of the coffee I drank to the next day at 6am which sustained me through 6 hours of class. It was like liquid gold!

Enjoy the rest of your weekends, and Tune in next week for more photos and stories. I love and miss you all

Thursday, July 9, 2009

¡Musica Por Favor!

This video was filmed in La Perla. The Music is taken from sound clips of real life Puerto Rico...and its kinda awsome¡

Sunday, July 5, 2009

I forgot 2 pictures


I've just started to really come to terms with my breakup. It feels a bit like my heart has been ripped out and stomped on so I have nothing nice to bring to the table. Here are my photos from this week. I think the turned out beautifully. Enjoy. I love and miss you all.